Tuesday, January 8, 2008


This afternoon, I was playing game in computer and my friend came to my house. Tring Tring..the bell rang.. I paused the game and went to open the door. We both came to my room. He said that he has got something for me. Oh really!! That's great. He knows that I like to solve riddle and I like to play mind games. So he has brought one mind game for me. I was excited. I quickly closed the game that I was playing and copied that mind game into computer. When I opened the game, the only thing that I can see is the picture. I asked him "Is this the game?". What's this game all about. He said "This is a 3D picture and what I have to do is locate a girl in the picture." OK..Now I knew what I have to do. My friend sat beside me. I started looking for the girl. I thought How hard could it be. It's just a simple picture and I can find that girl easily..

I zoomed in the picture, zoomed out the picture. I tried every angle to locate the girl in the picture. At first, I was determined to solve it, but after using my brain for a while, I said, "WHERE THE HELL IS SHE?" Did something eat her or what? I was really really curious to know the answer. I asked him where the hell is she? My friend laughed and told me to try again. I told him Nah, I can't. I already tried a lot and now I don't want to mess up my brain. He said that this is a simple 3D picture.. Simple!!! Is that you call simple? Now I was in doubt that if there isn't any girl in the picture. I told him that there isn't any girl in the picture. But he kept saying that there is a girl. Ok then tell me where is she, I asked.

He said "there she is".. Where??? I was shocked at first..Oh!! ya, there she is. I found her. I was really stupid that I was unable to see her. I laughed at myself and thanked him for sharing this 3D picture with me. ;) ..

Would you like to know the answer?? Hmmmm.....Nah, I won't tell you now. Give yourself a try. Here is the picture. Lets see how intelligent are you?

Click here for answer


Anonymous said...

Thank for passing by from my blog about Britney Spears.
You have a nice blog too.

Yoolees said...


I give up... I can't find the girl.. I spend five minutes looking that picture yet I still can't figure out where the girl is. Sorry.

I love doing stuff like that but this one is kinda difficult. LOL.

Where is the girl? :D

A Blog of Thoughts and Opinions
Text Messages and Funny Jokes

franx said...

The girl underwater,,must look more closer if Iam not wrong

Rose world said...

Er, is she sitting on the bigger rock???

What is the answer, I am dying of knowing it!!

Anonymous said...

herm....i dont see any girl in the picture....wah!!!!

Anonymous said...

where is the girl???

Anonymous said...

where is the girl????

Anonymous said...

tidus..huhu..can you tell me where is the girl in my blog??plzzzz......

Anonymous said...


Natasha said...

Neat picture... I only see one area that looks like a girl... she has her arms up, behind her head and it looks like she's wearing glasses lol... wow, that hurt my brain a little..

bluedreamer27 said...

waaaaaaaah dude i dont see her
but as far as i remember i encountered already a tricky picture like that
and they say dont focus on what you see focus in what the image formed
maybe you can find the girl if you look at the entire picture as a whole
but i guest its still hard to find her
it took me so long hehehehe

waliz said...

i didnt know where she is until i read all the comments...heehehe

sorry dann..i'm kinda lazy to think..lol!

Kai Reyes said...

omg. i cant see her! :(

you really really have to post a new entry and tell us the answer!! haha. i dont wana spend all night thinking where it is. ahaha.

well well :)

bluecrystaldude said...

I cant see anything that is solid enough. Perhaps on the tree leaves. or on the rock. not sure though. I need my answer!!! arghh.. Can't sleep if I donno. haha.

Weh Waliz! you are so lazy. hehe

bluedreamer27 said...

hi dann or can i call you my best buddy in the blogging world hheehe
well "best buddy" i just answered your question why Tom and Jerry were not included in TOP 5
have a nice day best


Dann said...

hmm...Everybody's looking curious to know the answer... This is the same situation that I went through before I get to know the answer..

But it's really simple and the answer is.......... hmm..Just a lil. bit more..

waliz said...

bluecrystaldude...yes i am...hehehe!
dannn...how could u do this to meeeee!!

Kai Reyes said...

oh cmon dann! see i came back for the answer? mwehehe..

WoW said...

i guess she starved to death by now lol.

Dann said...

Be patient guys.. ;)

Yoolees said...

I drop by to try again... I don't know if I got it right but it's better to try again :D

I think the girl is in the "water shadow" on the lower right part of the photo. If you turn the picture upside down, you will see a shadow of a girl woth a long hair... am I right?

A Blog of Thoughts and Opinions
Text Messages and Funny Jokes

waliz said...

i see a girl floating in the water at the big rock...sighh..tht the best i can do..! very small pic..if i'm not wrong..but definitely i see the girl there!
hallucinations maybe...hehehe!

dann..if u wanna date u better tell me now!!! just kidding...

Dann said...

hi hye..
that's a nice try, but sorry that's not the answer.. Good luck..hehehe;)

Dann said...

hi waliz..

at last you made it..hehehe..Just kidding ..Nah that's not the right answer. but that was a nice try.. You were soo close ..;)..
Hey waliz, giving and taking bribe is illegal.. hhehehe..

take care and have a great time ;)

Pink said...

The girl is the smaller rock, am I right? If you say yes, then I still have my 3D vision intact, he he he.

Dann said...

hi cynthia..
wow....You are the first person to answer....hmmm...hehhehe.. Nah... that's not the answer.Sorry..but that's a Nice try.. have a great time cynthia.

Anonymous said...

Dammit I still can't see the girl. I need coffee.

Anonymous said...

is it one of those magic eye thingymybobs where you stare and squint and see a hidden image

i think i can almost see a big outline of her head around the big rock and maybe the grass as her hair

then another time ialmose get a silouhette of a girl dancing stood on the rock

I can so usually get these or am i way off base?

Pamela x

Dann said...

hi haney,,
coffee.. sure , may be it will help you..hehehee..try and try until u get success.. :) .have a great time ..take care

Dann said...

hi pam.
your imagination is far beyond mine..;) that's a great try but sorry sweetie, that's not the answer. take care and have a great time ;)

Anonymous said...

There is absolutely NO girl in the picture.