Love is bliss. Love is beauty and romance. Love is caring as well as sharing. Love is sacrifice and responsibility. Love in a relationship is a blend of all. Love doesn't care about face or race. Love can happen to anyone at anytime with anybody. Love has no limitations. Love is endless and it's the most precious thing in the world.
Today, I'm going to share one short but heart-touching love story that I received from my friend.
Characters in a story:
Bird (female)
White Rose (male)

Once upon a time a bird fell in love with a white rose. One day she (bird) proposed him (white rose), but white rose refused. White ro

se said I don't love you. Bird daily came and proposed him. Finally, white rose said when I turn red, I will love you. One day bird came and cut her wings and spread her blood on the rose and the rose turned red. Then the rose realized how much bird loved him but it was too late because bird was dead.
So respect the love and feelings of the person who loves you.
OMG...wht a tragic story Dann...i want people to love me but ths is not the way...isk isk isk...
thanks for sharing it wth me...:D
hope i'll find my mr. bird too, but not cut off his wings.. of course I don't want my love story be a tragic one.. nice and touching story, thanks for sharing.
take care dear friend. :)
That's such a sad story. And so true too, because that happens all the time in relationships. You never know how much until it's gone.
i agree with Waliz, it is tragic..i guess you never really appreciate the person until he/she is that time it's all too late.. :(
thanks for sharing this story
gosh you defined love already although i wanted you to know that i tagged you in my blog too
wow great story dann i really wonder why was the roses are red now i know thnks to you hehe
Sucha sad story.. can i see the bird in me? actually the bird must of been a pisces, no wonder!
jokes apart, but i hope love is always realized and appreciated before it turns too late.. no love story should turn out to be a tragedy:(
Dann you're missing.. when are you going to be back??
I just posted a few lines on my blog, in appreciation for the second award :)I will do the tag later..
Oh My God what a tragic story.
it is symbol of love...
I love Anu(N) very much.
I miss u
i love neel very much
This story touching my heart.I must love those like me but i dont want to take any one life.
realy its very cute story.. and its helps to understanding each other ..
but sorry i have no girl friend.
OMG.........This is reallly heart touching and heart breaking love story,every one need to understand the moral of d story.
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